DIY Beauty Series #2 - Lip Scrub


Part 3 of my DIY Beauty Series today's recipe is for a delicious lip scrub!

Just in time for the cooler weather that is upon us, keeping your lips nice, smooth and flake free, so our lips and lipstick can look its best this winter!! 

DIY Lip Scrub

Use this as a base recipe and experiment with different types sugars (brown or white) and flavours (vanilla, cinnamon, peppermint, marshmallow - the possibilities are endless!) Now this creates quite a large batch, so you can give some away as gifts, keep it all for yourself or reduce the quantities!


  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract/essence


Mix all ingredients together and store in a small jar or pot.

These are the pots I have used to store my lip scrub in, they are from the Japanese Discount Superstore "Daiso" where everything in $2.80! These pots hold 13g worth of product, have pretty glittery bases (pink & orange) and are the perfect size for the lip scrub! 

To Use

Use your finger to rub a small amount of the scrub all over your lips. Lick or rinse off. 
Finish with your favourite lip balm to help keep your lips extra smooth and hydrated. 
Use weekly to exfoliate your lips to leave them feeling smooth. 

Mel x

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