Faves: Primers


I thought I would start a new little series here on Loads of Lifestyle called "Faves". It will be kind of like a "My Top 5..." style post, but I will be posting them regularly as my tastes and seasons change! So for the very first one, I thought I would start with the bottom layer and work my way up!


My current fave primers on rotation (or sometimes a combination of all three) are:

BECCA Backlight Priming Filter - A super luminous (but definitely not glittery) primer. It gives you that gorgeous lit from within glow, that is so very in right now. If you have dry to normal skin you can go ahead and slather this all over your face, however if you tend to lean a little more on the oily side, I would use this with a light hand, or like I do, focus using this on the cheekbones and out perimeter of your face. As it can be a bit too much sheen combined with your natural oiliness. You can also mix this primer with your foundation for a bit more glow!

Dermalogica Redness Relief Primer SPF 15* - A green based primer used to help reduce redness in the skin, with soothing extracts to help fight irritation throughout the day and SPF to help defend against UV rays. I use this primer generally across the middle of my face - across my nose, upper lip and apples of my cheeks. It has a silicone-y feel to it and helps fill in pores too.

Make Up For Ever Step 1 Skin Equaliser Mattifying Primer - The king of mattifying primers! This primer is serious stuff. A professional grade primer that does what it claims. I can get about 6hrs of shine free wear before the oilyness starts to appear. It is super thick and I only use it on my T-zone because it would just be too much to wear it all over, unless you seriously love that matte look! 

Have you tried any of these primers? What are your favourites?

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Note: Products marked with an asterisk have been sent to Loads of Lifestyle for editorial consideration. For more information, please read my disclaimer.

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  1. I got a sample of the Becca primer with my Champagne Collection Face Palette and I am OBSESSED! I need to pick up the full-size products when I get my tax return :D


    Tash | becomingtashh.blogspot.com.au

  2. I've recently tried a sample of the Becca backlight primer and I am obsessed! I think I need to buy it. I am also a huge fan of the Dermalogica primer! Great picks lovely. Sorry I am only now catching back up on your blog! x

    Sarah | Bows & Pleats


Thank You!

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